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GolfPunk Magazine (China) April 2015

If you don't read Chinese, here is the article (with English wording) as it was sent to the Editors to be published:

How to save 5 shots in a round of Golf


Spend lots of time practicing with your putter, as well as chip, pitch and bunker shots. The putter on its own will be used on average 2 times per green, that is 36 shots per round, but the Driver will be used only 14 times. So we should practice at least 2&1/2 times more with the Putter than the Driver. Once you factor in the shots played from around the greens (75 yards and closer) at least 70% of our practice time should be on the short game.


Arrive with plenty of time before your tee time to allow a proper warm up session:

Stretches, ten 1/2 swing, ten 3/4 swing, ten “easy” full swings with a wedge, then change to 8 or 7 iron and hit ten more balls increasing speed through 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% and 100%, move to longer irons and hybrid/fairway woods before hitting Driver. Then spend some time on the putting green to feel the pace of the greens, and do some chipping.


This will make you ready to “play golf” from the 1st hole, instead of using the first 3 or 4 holes to loosen up before you can “focus on scoring”.


Most players have too much “Ego” in their golf game, and believe they hit the ball further than they actually do. So take 1 more club than you believe is correct. You are more likely to get the ball to reach to the flag.


So much time is spent practicing on artificial mats, giving a perfect stance and lie of the golf ball, we should use all of the tee box to recreate those conditions on the golf course. We can go up to 2 club lengths back from the front of the tee markers, so use all of it to find a level stance (without standing in old divots), and as the ball is on a tee peg, it won’t cause you to lose any real yardage for the club you are going to hit.


Play the high percentage (9 times out of 10) recovery shot and not the miracle (1 shot in 10). If you make a mistake, don’t make it worse by trying to “force” a great recovery. Get the ball back into the fairway, and then go at the green. Most of the time it will result in nothing worse than a bogey, but if you attempt to go straight at the green, it usually results in scoring 7, 8 or higher.

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